Fixing your sleep apnea shouldn't be so hard!

Are you struggling with:
Bed dread
Frustration with nighttime awakenings
Feeling hopeless, uncomfortable, and tired
Trying to meet minimal “compliance”
Disappointment - your sleep isn’t better
Dr. Wells' Guide to
Making Your CPAP Mask Work Like a Dream!
My Methods
How to make an informed decision about CPAP:

Understand OSA
and Sleep
I can help you look at the facts of your sleep apnea and your sleep. Empower yourself with knowledge and find out what is available to you!

your Mind
Awareness of your thought patterns and attitudes about sleep helps break down barriers for good. I will show you how to trust your sleep again.

Sleep with
Whether you choose to use CPAP -OR- move on to a different sleep apnea treatment, you can be sure you've made an informed decision.
You just want to sleep normally again.
It's time to figure out your NEW normal. I can help you get comfortable with CPAP or learn what else is out there.
Whatever you do, don't stay stuck!

Hello there!
I’m Dr. Audrey Wells.
I’m a sleep medicine doctor
and mindset coach.
I work with people who
desperately want to fix their sleep
but are stuck in a CPAP ordeal.
More about me

Are you wondering...
If I Lose Weight
Can I Kick My CPAP Out of Bed?
Enter your email to get have this FREE guide sent to you.
What People Are Saying About the Courses
Laurie K.
"In this course, you learn so much more than just about your CPAP machine. You learn how sleep apnea affects your entire body. It affects your weight, thinking skills, anxiety, blood pressure. If I would have known this a year ago, when I was supposed to start my CPAP, I would have started it sooner. The content really helped me realize I should be doing better at this because I'm already struggling with weight loss, anxiety, and headaches. Checking sleep off the list helps me work on other things."
Jim G.
Dr. Wells is very knowledgeable and well-rounded about sleep disorders. The CPAP information was detailed and in-depth and it varied across the entire spectrum of options available to you. She definitely wants to improve your life.
Perdita C.
"If you're struggling to know WHY you should be using a CPAP machine, then this course will open your eyes to to more explanations of how it will help you. I am a big “Why” person and I learned how it will help my heart, my brain, my blood pressure, and that I need to be in it for the long game."

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You don't have to do this alone. Request to join the private Facebook group (click below) to find others like you.
Click the button below to access the FREE Membership, including a FREE mini course, informational guides, and sleep assessments!

Get credible information, all in one place
Check out my online courses to learn how you can sleep better and get comfortable with your CPAP. . .

Get the attention you need
Live meetings with a small group of people, led by Dr. Wells.
You get personal attention-- have your questions answered on the spot!
Stay in touch to STAY MOTIVATED!
I send out information weekly to email subscribers, including practical actions you can take to improve your sleep and wakefulness.
I'm not going to be a jerk and send spam! You can unsubscribe anytime.
All information presented on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as medical advice.
The content is not intended to replace a relationship between you and your medical provider.